Smaller features like buildings, bridges, and even individual trees are represented with high degrees of accuracy. But in a vast and growing number of urban centers and natural landmarks, the Earth is further represented in highly detailed 3D geometry. Virtually all of the Earth contains 3D terrain data (mountains, valleys, and other large-scale topographical features). Reference these as you're deciding how to frame your subject and animate your shot. The following pointers can help you achieve this level of quality. Using 3D ImageryĮarth Studio's 3D city data can yield cinematic, nearly photorealistic animations when used to its full potential. Learn the ins and outs of Earth's satellite and 3D imagery, as well as some of our post-production tips and tricks, to be sure you're getting the best possible results. The imagery in Earth Studio is incredible in quality and scope, but many factors affect how it will appear in your animation.